Arrival and Dismissal

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Safe Routes to School
Safe Routes to School programs aim to make it safer for students to walk and bike to school and encourage more walking and biking where safety is not a barrier. Transportation, public health and planning professionals, school communities, law enforcement officers, community groups and families all have roles to play using education, encouragement, engineering (changes to the physical environment) and enforcement to meet a local community’s needs.
Students may arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before class begins. Students arriving after 8:25 must check in at the office for a late slip. Please do not go to classrooms before school to make deliveries.
Kindergarten students may lineup in front of their classrooms.
1st-5th grade students may play on the blacktop or go to their lineup location. They may not go onto the field, behind buildings, or past the boundary lines.
6th - 8th grade students should report to the 2-story building. They may not play on the playground before school. They may not use the elevator without specific permission or accommodation.
Students find their assigned teacher’s line up location and stand in a single file line. Parents should say goodbye in the line and then exit campus.
Student who arrive after class begins must report to the main office for a tardy slip.
Please be on time to pick up your student. Students with permission to go home on their own should do so immediately after dismissal unless they are staying for an after school activity. Students walking or biking home alone will need a permission form on file in the office. You can find the permission slip here.
Parents picking up students from the parking lot are asked to line up their vehicles in the pick up lane. You must stay in your vehicle.
We are a closed campus and playgrounds will not be open to the public until the last bell at 3:15 p.m.
If you need to pick up your student before the end of the school day, you must report to the office to sign them out. Do not go to the classroom to pick them up. Staff will call the classroom and your student will meet you in the office.
We are not able to release a student before the end of the school day without an authorized adult there to sign them out.
Parking and Loading/Unloading:
No parking in front of the school on either side of the driveway.
The drop-off lane is for students who can exit the car on their own. All drivers must remain behind the steering wheel of the car and pull all the way forward. Do not use the drop-off lane if the driver needs to get out of the car to help their student.
All students must exit on the right hand side of the curb. Do not allow your child to exit on the left, which puts them into oncoming circulating traffic.
No hand-held mobile phone use at any time while in the parking lot.
Keep traffic flowing; use the left lane to circulate when picking up your children in the afternoon. Do not exit your vehicle when using the drop-off lane.
Do not use parking lot to drop off your child. Classroom volunteers must use the available parking spaces in the parking lot. Redwood City Police may ticket cars parked along the curb in front of the school.
Do not park in reserved spaces for Auction winners.
Do not use the surrounding HOA properties as a passthrough for dropping off children or parking your vehicle. All surrounding HOAs are private property. If you must drive through the surrounding HOA properties for any reason, please be mindful of the speed limit.
No parking on Egret Lane. During school hours this is a fire lane and white zone ONLY. Redwood City Police will ticket cars!
Parking Lot Safety
With hundreds of students being dropped off at around the same time safety is of upmost importance Please follow these procedures to ensure all students are safe and to efficiently
Pull all the way forward to the next available drop off space.
Stay in your car. The drop-off lane is for students who can easily exit the car with their belongings. If your child needs your assistance in getting them out of car seats or taken items out of the trunk, we kindly ask that you park your vehicle and not use the drop-off lane.
Be a Role Model When Driving. Remember 25mph is the speed limit, not the minimum, on Redwood Shores Parkway. Be mindful, take it slow, and look out for pedestrians and bicyclists in crosswalks.
Respect and obey the crossing guard.
Do not jaywalk across Redwood Shores Parkway.
Walk bikes and scooters while on campus. Slow down / dismount when near pedestrians and call out when passing on trails.
Protect your head! Always wear a helmet when biking, skating, or scooting.