Bell Schedule
Bell Schedule

Click on the schedule to the left to expand.
Arrival and Dismissal
Students may arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before class begins. Students arriving after 8:25 must check in at the office for a late slip. Please do not go to classrooms before school to make deliveries.
Kindergarten students may lineup in front of their classrooms.
1st-5th grade students may play on the blacktop or go to their lineup location. They may not go onto the field, behind buildings, or past the boundary lines.
6th - 8th grade students should report to the 2-story building. They may not play on the playground before school.
All classrooms start at 8:25 with instruction. Breakfast is served during instructional time from 8:25-8:40.
Parents of Kinder and 1st grade students may pick up students from the classroom door. Please do not go to the door before dismissal time.
Parents picking up students from the parking lot are asked to line up their vehicles in the pick up lane. You must stay in your vehicle.
We are a closed campus and playgrounds will not be open until the last bell at 3:00 p.m.
If you need to pick up your student before the end of the school day, you must report to the office to sign them out. Do not go to the classroom to pick them up. Staff will call the classroom and your student will meet you in the office.
We are not able to release a student before the end of the school day without an authorized adult there to sign them out.