Health & Wellness Policy

Health and Wellness Policy 

As part of the state and national effort to curb childhood obesity, improve children’s health, and enhance student learning, new state and national legislation has created stronger standards for food and beverages sold or provided at school. The new legislation impacts all districts. Please adhere to our health and wellness policy listed below:

Birthday and Classroom Celebrations:  We recognize students as a whole school during our Wednesday assemblies and individually within their classes. As a precaution for students with allergies, we do not allow goodie bags. 

Some non-food ideas include

Classroom celebrations are limited to no more than one celebration per month. Food at all celebrations must be commercially prepared and meet the nutritional standards below. Be sure to check with your child’s teacher regarding any food allergies in the classroom. We want to ensure that our students are receiving a consistent message from all of us at school and at home. Thank you for helping us promote a healthy school environment.

Some healthy options include